When determining your household income, please remember the following: if two parents live together in the home, even if one parent is a step-parent, the combined income must be submitted. If biological parents are not in the same household (but they share care of the child) both incomes must be reported. If parents are divorced, any child support or alimony must be reported and if a parent does not file, an IRS Verification of Non-filing Letter (4506-T) will be required during enrollment.
Household Income | 1 Dependent | 2 Dependents | 3 Dependents | 4+ Dependents |
Under $30,000 | $20 | $15 | $10 | $5 |
$30,000-$39,999 | $25 | $20 | $15 | $10 |
$40,000-$49,999 | $30 | $25 | $20 | $15 |
$50,000-$59,999 | $40 | $35 | $30 | $25 |
$60,000-$69,999 | $40 | $40 | $40 | $35 |
$70,000-$79,999 | $45 | $40 | $40 | $40 |
$80,000-$89,999 | $45 | $45 | $45 | $45 |
$90,000-$99,999 | $100 | $70 | $70 | $70 |
$100,000-$109,999 | $150 | $110 | $100 | $100 |
$110,000-119,999 | $250 | $200 | $175 | $150 |
$120,000-$129,999 | $350 | $275 | $250 | $200 |
$130,000-$139,999 | $450 | $400 | $350 | $300 |
$140,000-$149,999 | $550 | $380 | $360 | $340 |
$150,000-$159,999 | $650 | $600 | $550 | $500 |
$160,000-$169,000 | $800 | $700 | $650 | $600 |
$170,000-$179,999 | $900 | $850 | $700 | $650 |
$180,000-$189,999 | $1,100 | $1,000 | $900 | $800 |
$190,000-$199,000 | $1,250 | $1,150 | $950 | $850 |
$200,000+ | $1,500 | $1,300 | $1,100 | $900 |
HOUSEHOLD INCOME: Household income is based on a family’s adjusted gross income and verified by their most recent year’s tax filings.
FULL TUITION: Full tuition for families not seeking financial aid is $18,000 per year.
DEPOSIT: To reserve a space for your child, a non-refundable deposit of the first and last (August 2025 + July 2026) month’s tuition is due on or before your scheduled monthly due date. Therefore, no tuition payment will be required for July 2026.
FIRST PAYMENT DUE: Families can choose to have their tuition payment due on the 5th or 20th of each month. Depending on your selection, the first tuition payment (plus the deposit) will be due on August 5, 2025 or August 20, 2025. If both payments are not made on or before your scheduled first payment date, your child’s spot at the Academy may be forfeited.
LAST PAYMENT DUE: Your last payment will be do on June 5, 2026 or June 20, 2026.
The Ron Clark Academy is a nonprofit organization, and our registration proceeds support our students’ scholarships and programs.