Join new students Calypso, Sapphire, Ronan, and Walter as they embark on a fascinating adventure through the four houses of The Ron Clark Academy. Each house – Altruismo, Amistad, Isibindi, and Rêveur – holds unique meanings, values, and traditions that the fearless foursome get to explore. In Altruismo, Calypso learns the true meaning of giving and being kindhearted. He wonders if being sorted into the black house will help exchange his selfishness for generosity. The journey continues to Sapphire Stroud, where imagination, creativity, and dreams abound. She learns that the wheel will place her in the house best suited to explore and appreciate her talented awesomeness. Ronan is next at the wheel, eager to see if his big sister, Regan’s, legacy will persevere. The wheel spins round and round, seeking to find which house will be the best place for Ronan to continue the journey or forge a new path.

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